Our Mission

Our mission, why we exist, and a brief history of New Home Baptist Church.

Our Mission

Our Mission: New Home Baptist Church is to be a truth-telling, lie-destroying, town-winning people.


It was John Knox who prayed passionately, “Give me Scotland, or I die!” This was the plea of a man who desperately wanted to see hearts regenerated, churches reformed, and regions revived. This strikes at the heart of our mission at New Home Baptist Church.


In everything, we want to believe, obey, and proclaim God’s truth—in so doing, tearing down the lies of our day, and thoroughly winning whole towns for the Lord Jesus Christ.


We want our members, and those who attend NHBC, to be equipped to fight the good fight of the faith—by gathering on the Lord’s Day, gathering to pray throughout the week, and gathering to fellowship monthly. We strive to help God’s people become willing and able to thrive in the midst of a hostile culture.


Our ultimate desire is to bring God maximum glory by enjoying Him and advancing the cause of Christ!

Our History

As a church, we have been established since February of 1908, so God has had His Sovereign hand on New Home Baptist for a long time.

We are a church with a great history, and, Lord willing, we are a church with a bright future.